Erasmus+ is the EU programme for lifelong learning that brings together all the European cooperation initiatives in the fields of education, training, youth and sport. For university students, the programme offers various activities lasting normally between three and twelve months, thanks to the provision of scholarships that intend to contribute, at least in part, to the costs incurred for student mobility.
Students can benefit from these mobility contributions several times, both for study and for traineeships, as long as the period abroad does not exceed 12 months for each cycle of studies.
Erasmus+ study: it allows students to carry out part of their degree course in another European university, with full recognition of their studies and other educational activities by the University of origin. Students can follow the courses and take exams in foreign universities for which there are stipulated agreements, following a previously approved study plan that establishes the correspondence between courses taken abroad and courses in the Italian programme of study. Activities related to internships or dissertations can also be carried out.
Erasmus+ Traineeship: it allows students to undertake an internship abroad, even after graduation. The internship can be carried out in companies, training and research centres, public, private and third-sector organizations, universities, higher-education institutes (such as laboratories, libraries, institutions for international relations), non-profit organizations, and other national and international organizations (such as the UN, UNESCO and other specialized bodies of the United Nations). The internship activity can be carried out in the 27 EU countries, and in Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Turkey. The students are responsible of finding a company that is willing to host them, by contacting them independently or through channels made available by the International Mobility office. Once the host company or institution has been found, the candidate will need to request a letter of acceptance from the host.
Erasmus contact person: Prof Elisa Sacchi